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Family Dentistry

Family Kayaking
Family Dentistry: Services


The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends dental checkups with a doctor and a hygienist at least every six months (2 times per year).This allows for a thorough cleaning of teeth and prevents oral health problems. Individuals with gum disease or any other condition to have more frequent exams and deeper cleanings


Teeth have natural pits and crevices on their surfaces making it difficult for the toothbrush to reach inside and remove any bacteria or excess food. A sealant protects the tooth’s enamel and prevents future cavities by “sealing” these pits and fissures with a resin material. They are quick and easy for your dentist or hygienist to apply and can save you time/money and keep your teeth healthy


When one eats or drinks, food particles and carbohydrates linger on the teeth and are digested by the bacteria in the mouth and creates accumulated plaque. These bacteria then create acids which can eat away at the enamel on the teeth causing mineral loss and eventually a cavity. A Dental Restoration or Filling is used to restore the function, integrity, and shape of missing tooth structure after the decay is removed from the tooth. Cavities, dental procedures, or various external trauma may cause teeth to break or chip, so they need to properly be cared for and protected from further infection or decay


Extraction is the process of removing an entire tooth from your mouth. This procedure is performed only when there is severe decay of the tooth and there is no way of saving it.

Root Canals

When the nerve of a tooth that is in the center of the tooth becomes either infected or badly decayed, root canal treatment is needed to save the tooth. Infection typically occurs when bacteria enters the inside of the tooth through a deep cavity. Another reason for a root canal is the tooth starts to hurt and become sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. If pain around the tooth lingers for some time, then there is a possibility that the tooth may need a root canal


Custom-made synthetic caps used to restore a tooth’s function, shape, or natural color


Dental appliance used to replace missing teeth

Night Guards

Some people grind their teeth while they sleep at night. They often wake up with a tired, stiff jaw. Teeth become worn down and shorter than they used to be. Bruxism is a medical condition in which people clench and grind their teeth (mostly while sleeping). This will wear down the tooth’s natural enamel and may lead to hypersensitive teeth, a sore jaw, and minor to major headaches

Mouth Guards

Similar to a Night Guard, a Sports Guard is a protective device for teeth that covers both gums and teeth during sports

Family Dentistry: List
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